Committed to Responsible service Delivery for All
As a supplier of talent throughout the built environment supply chain, at Advance TRS we have a responsibility to deliver our service in a safe and sustainable way. From our environmental footprint to site-based health and safety, and from legal compliance to giving back to local communities, our attention to detail and dedication to delivering a quality service rings true throughout everything we do. As a trusted supply chain partner we work closely with clients and adhere to all client policies and risk assessments including but not limited to Social Value Policies and Procedures.
Advance TRS considers its role in the local community to be an integral part of the business and we are proud of the community in which we both live and work. We continue to actively employ local people and utilise local suppliers, increase our involvement with local business and professional forums, engage as a company with local charities and events, volunteer to support the community wherever possible as a business or individuals, and we are committed to ensuring that all people affected by our activities are communicated with to ensure that any inconvenience is minimised.
Download our Latest Health & Safety Briefing
The Advance TRS HSQE bulletins are monthly communication documents that are sent out to all of our active contractors and detail the relevant health and safety notices provided by our clients and their subcontractors.
Health & Safety
Advance TRS is committed to promoting a safety culture in the workplace that drives our actions, our culture and our communication.
We are consistently taking steps in order to reduce the number of accidents and incidents in the workplace and on-site through regular communication of industry information, HSE updates, company policies and a thorough review of procedures.
Improved workplace safety requires a concerted effort from everyone within the industry and we work closely with clients, candidates and employees to align ourselves with industry initiatives that will help to enhance everyone’s perception and actions.
Our Health and Safety Management system is ISO 45001 accredited and we have a Quality Management System that is ISO 9001 accredited. These systems include very clear guidelines on our approach to managing important aspects of the daily working environment such as working hours, fatigue, stress and accidents and incidents.
Advance TRS has also achieved APSCo accreditation through a stringent qualification process that involved numerous references from professional candidates and clients. This allows us to remain fully informed of all changes to industry legislation and maintain current contractual documentation at all times.

Behavioural Based Safety
Behavioural Based Safety seeks to challenge the behaviour of the workforce by changing the attitudes of the workforce with effective leadership and employee engagement. It’s a bottom-up safety approach that encourages a working environment where people are comfortable looking after one another and are able to report close calls without the fear of reprisals.
For us to truly reduce the number of incidents to zero, a concerted effort is required from ourselves, our clients and our workers to encourage a culture where safety is the first priority.
Advance TRS has developed a bespoke way to assess and report on the perception of Behavioural Based Safety that allows us to work together to implement focused activities to raise awareness and improve people’s actions.
Compliance Management
Working in a number of safety-critical engineering sectors, Advance TRS has a robust compliance management system that is structured with very clear processes and procedures.
This system has been developed to deliver the ongoing management of individual competencies held by external workers, as well as supporting the requirements of each industry sector’s specific standards and scheme requirements.
Our compliance procedure incorporates a bespoke database that highlights renewals of qualifications, supplier certificates, and competencies. The continued management of this area of our business is essential when supplying workers to industries where safety is foremost in everyone’s daily working lives.
As a ‘5 Star’ RISQS accredited supplier to the rail industry, Advance TRS believes that we all have a responsibility to deliver a professional service that meets continues to achieve and exceed the industry standards.

ISO 9001

ISO 27001

ISO 45001

Rail Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme

Supply Chain Sustainability School

APSCO Members

Giving Back
Since Advance TRS was established in 2011, advancing less fortunate people has always been a central motivator for founder Andy Ridout and the Advance TRS team. To date, our staff have raised over £65,000 for charities completing an incredible array of personal challenges to raise money and awareness for those less fortunate.
Railway Children / Rail Aid
A key charity partner for our rail business is Railway Children and the Rail Aid campaign. Railway Children is an international children’s charity that funds rescue workers and street teams that seek out vulnerable children living on the streets before potential abusers get to them first.
Oakleaf Enterprise
At Advance TRS, we prioritise the mental well-being of our staff and understand that reducing work-related stress can be hugely beneficial to all. Oakleaf Enterprise is only a short walk from our Head Office and supports people to learn to live with and overcome mental ill-health and learn new skills and build confidence to return to work through vocational skill training, therapy and support.
Environmental Impact
Advance TRS is committed to reducing the impact our operations have on the environment through sustainable practices.
Whilst we recognise that internal activities may have a limited environmental impact, at Advance TRS we still have a responsibility to continuously improve our environmental performance and thereby reduce or prevent damage to the environment.
We comply with all environmental legislation, regulations and requirements, foster an environmentally conscious culture through proper training and communication throughout the workforce, work with our external stakeholders to help further develop our environmental policy and monitor and review our environmental performance on an annual basis at a minimum.
In particular, we are committed to using common practices in order to reduce our consumption of materials such as paper and plastic (i.e. sending documents digitally), reducing our carbon footprint by utilising public transportation or carpooling wherever possible and reducing wastage by ensuring that as much of our waste as possible is either recycled or reused
Equality & Diversity
We believe everyone deserves the same opportunities, regardless of age, race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. The diversity of our workforce is an essential part of our success.
We are committed to supporting contractors and staff to work in an environment that is free from discrimination and promotes equal opportunities for all. The Advance TRS company values centre on quality, honesty, commitment, integrity, and loyalty. These values govern every aspect of our work and require all internal and external stakeholders to treat each other with care and respect, to maintain a working environment where everyone can be focused to deliver a high-quality service.
As a basic bedrock of our commitment to upholding equality and diversity, we are careful to comply with all legislation that governs our business operations. By having strict policies and procedures in place to adhere to, with regard to employment and anti-discrimination we are able to provide the same level of opportunity for everyone, improve our management and personnel management practice and demonstrate our commitment to being an equal opportunities employer.
Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking
Modern slavery is the illegal exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain.
It takes various forms and can include forced employment, sexual or criminal exploitation or domestic servitude.
Through threats, violence or coercion, victims of modern slavery may suffer unacceptably low pay, or no pay at all, have excessive wage deductions imposed on them in the form of debts that cannot realistically be paid back, be subject to poor working conditions, humiliation or ill-treatment, be housed in squalid accommodation or have their identity documents taken away from them.
All our employees have responsibilities to ensure our contractors are safeguarded, treated fairly and with dignity.

IR35 – Are Blanket Determinations Simply Corporate Ignorance?
When it comes to IR35 legislation ignorance is certainly not bliss, but this hasn’t stopped larger corporations from burying their heads in the sand and incorrectly leading with a blanket determination approach when it comes […]

The Advance TRS approach to IR35
IR35 was introduced in 2000 to address concerns relating to individuals who supply their services via an intermediary (such as a Limited Company) instead of as an employee and therefore avoid paying employee income tax and national insurance contributions.

The Advance TRS approach to the IR35 Reform in the Private Sector
HMRC is due to announce a Reform to the IR35 off-payroll legislation in the Private Sector. The Advance TRS approach to IR35 is being exceptionally well received by clients we have recently consulted with, mitigating […]