Look out for each other this winter
13th November 2018
As we are fast approaching the end of Autumn and going into the Winter months, it’s important to stay safe and be aware of the seasonal changes.
We want to ensure that we all stay safe and get home safely every day. Here are some top tips to help you through the winter months, accessed by Track Safety Alliance (TSA)
Staying safe consists of being prepared for the various weather conditions:
Correct clothing and PPE
- Wear layers of clothing under your PPE to stay warm
- Keep your hands warm as cold hands will affect dexterity
Site preparation
- Be aware of underfoot conditions
- Check equipment is safe
- Does the new ballast have anti-icer?
- Are the water pipes suitably lagged?
- Have you spread rock salt at access points and SAC cabins wherever possible that isn’t on the rails?
Welfare and Fatigue
- Make sure teams have access to hot food and drinks
- Colder temperatures exacerbate tiredness and increase fatigue, avoid standing around whilst waiting to access the track
Winter Driving
- Make sure you drive with due care and attention
- Top up your windscreen wash
- Pack de-icer and an ice scraper in your vehicle
- Pack spare clothes/blanket and food/drink for emergencies
- Make sure you have sufficient fuel for your journey and emergencies
Did you know?
- Seasonal Affective Disorder is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern and is currently estimated to affect up to 2 million people in the UK. You can find out more and seek help through the charity Mind.