Ok, so you’ve spent hours weighing up your career options and found a job you just know would be perfect – now you’ve just got to get it!
First things first- your CV, despite the fact that this may seem the most gruelling task it is probably the most crucial, forget the interview, this is what will make up employers minds on whether you even get that far!
The trick is to make you shine, but how?
Step 1: Presentation
When structuring your CV, remember recruiters plough through hundreds every day, so if yours doesn’t make the right information easily accessible it will go straight to the bottom of the pile.
- Always have your name and contact details at the top, followed by your qualifications.
- Invest time to tailor your personal summary specifically for the job you are applying for. This is your primary opportunity to highlight your strengths and previous successes.
- Keep the font to one standard type and size.
- Do not write in the first person. Beginning each sentence with ‘I’ is a common mistake; unfortunately, it is not the way to create a compelling CV.
Step 2: Check, check and check again – no typos!
Poor spelling is a pet hate for most HR departments and a definite way to make a mockery of your perfectly presented CV. Ensure that you look up any words that you’re not certain of, making sure that you don’t rely solely on spell check; Americanisms should be steered well clear of- after all, it’s a CV you’re writing, not a resume!
Step 3: Make your CV role specific
Make sure you tailor your CV to suit the job you’re applying for. It’s very tempting to try to cut corners with a generic ‘one size fits all’ CV, but it is unlikely you’ll get away with it.
Always read the role’s exact requirements and re-word your CV accordingly.
This will involve you doing your research so you know exactly what the employer is looking for, it may take a bit of effort, but if it puts you one step closer to your dream job so it’s well worth it!
Step 4: Stick to the truth!
You must be able to support the statements made in your CV.
Avoid unnecessary exaggeration as any untruths will probably come to light during any reference checks.
Once you are convinced that your CV meets all the job criteria and portrays you in the best possible way you are ready to search and apply.