World Environment Day has become a platform to raise awareness on the dangers to our environment such as air and plastic pollution, illegal wildlife trade, sea-level increase and food security to name just a few.
The theme this year is Ecosystem Restoration, which means assisting the recovery of destroyed ecosystems and conserving those that are still intact. It can take many forms, from growing trees, to rewilding gardens, changing diets, making cities greener or cleaning up rivers and coasts. Healthier ecosystems with richer biodiversity yield greater benefits such as more fertile soils, bigger yields of timber and fish, and larger stores of greenhouse gases.
The official World Environment Day website holds a wealth of information on how this awareness day came about, what we can all do to help the environment and much more. Take a look to see what you might be able to do, as even the smallest changes can have a big impact.
There are many things businesses can do to become more environmentally friendly too, from cutting down on paper to turning off computers when not in use and switching off the lights when leaving the office in the evening. We previously published a blog with some suggestions.
At Advance TRS, we care about the environment and we are making more and more changes to make sure that we minimise our impact on it. If you want to work for a business that places the environment as a priority, send your CV to or take a look at our latest vacancies.